2010 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Greetings! I hope that 2010 is a year of God’s richest blessings. Let me share with you something of how 2009 unfolded here at The Pines.
The Team
Gary and Pauline finished their season of ministry after 12 years. In May they moved to Bali and to a new way of life. This time last year many of you prayed for us as we were earnest in prayer for a replacement for them as managers of The Pines. There were twelve applicants who showed interest in the positions and eight were interviewed at length. This was no easy process. Four persons (two couples) were very keen to take the position and the decision to choose one couple was very difficult. This task I found agonising.
Wayne and Rose Smith took up the position as managers on July 1st 2009. Wayne and Rose and their daughter Jessica came to us from the Mudgee region of New South Wales. They had been praying for a significant change in their lives as we prayed for new staff. Rose had previously been employed in motel administration and was familiar with bookwork, computers and housekeeping. Rose has proved to be capable in the office and in motel housekeeping. Wayne came to us from a background of mechanics, the Army, farm work and fixing anything and everything! I call him ‘Mr Fix It”. Wayne and Rose have proved to be a real provision fitting the job well. They are friendly, welcoming and an appropriate face as an introduction to The Pines. Thank you for your prayer, God has answered them faithfully.
Rose and Wayne Smith
Roy and Darlene continue to diligently manage the Lagoon Point Conference Centre. Roy is a tireless worker. We have new cupboards in the Conference Centre and a facelift to the tiling in bathrooms and amenity blocks. The grounds of Lagoon Point are always tidy and well presented. Darlene continues to do a few hours a week teaching at the local Christian School where she is a greatly respected member of staff and her creative feminine touch is evident at Lagoon Point, so we have a good team. We are grateful to a group of Friends of Burrill who generously donated their time and labor and at their own cost installed a new double sink for washing dishes in Lagoon Point camping ground.
Bush Fires
During August as many of you would be aware through television coverage, Burrill was besieged by bushfire. The fire burned fiercely in the district for two weeks. On Saturday August 29th, it came to The Pines and Lagoon Point. On the Saturday afternoon the flames burned intensely around the Motel from the west. We did all that we could as helicopters hovered overhead, water bombing the inferno. Unselfish firefighters worked tirelessly to protect the property. On Saturday night an ever changing wind drove the fire to Lagoon Point at incredible speed, where the centre was ringed with flames on all four boundaries to the sea. By God’s grace we only lost fencing and some trees in the camping area were burned. These are difficult and trying moments. Fire is an awesome adversary that causes even the bravest men to cower in its path. The staff could only be congratulated for their tenacity, fearlessness and boldness in the face of such a threat.
Damaged Bridge
Just before Christmas Day a large gas truck went over our bridge into Lagoon Point. The weight of the vehicle completely snapped the support bearers on the bridge. Already we had a number of campers on the site and we had no time to reconstruct the structure. A sturdy make-shift support was constructed by Roy and Wayne and some willing helpers, which enabled the team to prop up the bridge by supporting the bearers and allowing traffic to pass. Once again God has been gracious. God willing we will construct a new bridge during the winter months.
Sunday evening around God’s word during January was well attended. The booming sounds of hymns resound through the camping area to the delight of all who attend. Fellowship Teas and ladies fellowship continue to operate during the year. Peter and Evelyn Snape continue to be tireless in their assistance even after thirteen years of retirement. Les and Kerry continue in their teaching ministry in bible studies, outreach dinners, guest speaking and in bible teaching within the district and beyond. They continue their ministry of training students in the Former Soviet Union and Northern India.
Thank you to you all who regularly pray for the ministry of the Bush Missionary Society and for all who use the site and keep the financial wheels turning.
With gratitude to God’s enabling grace,
Humbly Yours In Christ,
Les & Kerry, Roy & Darlene and Wayne & Rose
Malachi 3:6 – “For I The Lord do not change.”
In my 53rd year of life “change” is something that I ponder constantly. When I was a boy I remember well my childhood years as the years of constantly “standing up”. When I went to the pictures on Saturday afternoon before the matinee was screened everyone would stand up for the playing of the National Anthem “God Save The Queen”. You dare not remain seated. But there has been change. As a student at school I can remember when an adult entered the classroom all of us stood up. It was a mark of respect and we responded to the visitors greeting.
But there has been change. I remember as a boy on a bus or a train, all males would be expected to stand up and offer their seat to the elderly or any woman. You were critically chastised if you did not. But there has been change. I remember as a boy when visiting family or friends, when you entered their home you remained standing until you were offered a seat and your reply was always, “thank you”. But there has been change. I remember standing in class lines before school. We would stand to attention or stand at ease before we marched into classrooms. But there has been change. I can remember standing and saluting the flag at school assemblies. But there has been change.
People often speak about the changes that have taken place in community life. I listen to my father’s generation fondly speak of the good old days. As a boy we drank water out of the garden hose and not a bottle. We played on the street with friends and strangers until dark, no one was treated as suspicious. We rode bikes without helmets and wore clothes without brand names and we still fitted in. Yes there has been change.
And there has been change in the Church. I fondly remember worshipping as the family of God. From the cradle to the elderly we stood up side by side to sing. We knelt in prayer together. We sat and listened as young and old together as we heard God’s word read and explained. But there has been change.
I’m often asked, “Which service do you attend? The one for the oldies or the young families or the youth service?” At 53 years of age, where do I belong? Today’s church is compartmentalised and divided. Yes there has been change. Personally none of the above changes do I like. I find myself looking back and not forward. King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 1:4ff “A generation goes and another generation comes, all things are full of weariness, what has been is what will be, and there is nothing new under the sun”.
I’m not the first to struggle with change, nor will I be the last.
Change for us as Christians is a vital component of the Christian life. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”. Colossians 3:5, “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you”. Verse 12, “Put on then as God’s chosen ones holy and beloved”. 1 Corinthians 15:51, “But we shall all be changed”.
As God’s people we have an unchanging hope, reality and assurance. God’s word, God’s character, God’s purposes – do not change. Around us we are wearied by the changes and the chances of this fleeting world. But God remains the same. These truths have sustained the faithful people of God in every age, in sickness, drought, flood, fire, war and in death. So we thank God for the gospel…our hope. Revelation 22:20, “He who testifies to these things says surely I am coming soon”. The writer of the most comforting of hymns penned these words: “Change and decay in all around I see, Oh thou who changes not, abide with me”.
So we stand firm. Encouraged to press on. Our future is bright in Christ.
Humbly Yours,
Les Stewart
How can I Help?
Pray that:
The facility at Burrill Pines will be used to advance God’s kingdom
God will move the hearts of people to provide funds for the purchase of the new equipment.
Send a copy via email to your interested friends.
Let people know about the great facilities for camps, retreats and house parties.