Burrill Pines Bushcare Group
Burrill Pines is a unique place, offering one of the best, if not the best, bush camping experiences for families on the NSW South Coast. The Burrill Pines Bushcare Group (BPBG) was established in 2022 with the aim for Environmental Management and Improvements to the site’s grounds. The group run by volunteers, holds regular working bees throughout the year to assist with bush regeneration.
Bottles for Burrill Pines - Please consider disposing of your recycling bottles into the designated ‘Bottles for Burrill Pines’ bins located onsite. The 10c per bottle funds raised is put towards helping to fund BPBG activities.
Should you wish to volunteer for future working bees please email derek.sadubin@gmail.com to learn more.
Burrill Pines Bushcare Group - Summer 22/23
Together with the amazing Burrill Pines team, we had a busy off-season, digging a new swale to improve drainage at the northern boundary of the campsite, installing new recycling bins, improving the access road, fixing erosion, laying new turf and planting/mulching a dozen new bush regeneration zones throughout the site. Click here to see how you can help out!
Burrill Pines Bushcare Group - Works Report August 2023
During the last weekend in August 2023, the Burrill Pines Bushcare Group (BPBG) successfully completed its second annual Working Bee at the Burrill Pines Bush Camping site. Click here to view the full report.